On January 23, 2014, the race
was held robotics titled The Singapore Game Solidarity held by the same
generation Intelligent WORKING dengna Indonesia Sigapura School. Singer
activities followed by some instructors and teachers Robotic well as
participants from various schools in the area in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung
and Indonesian School in Singapore.
Also activities Cantor attended
by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to review Singapore Andri Hadi
and Function Coordinator of Information and Culture Mr. Simon.
Activity began WITH exposure
History and Theory Robotics By praying Master Of Generation Robotics robot
starts Cerdas.Perlombaan MAKE ALL Participants taxable income Understand How to
Assemble a robot. Categories diperlombakan Assemble line follower robot is
quite simple but requires accuracy.
Ras Walking After a festive, fun
races WHEN ALL participants cheered What race. Assembling the taxable income,
then the race Final Stage Of Testing the feasibility of robot. The test results
determine who the singer Yang Out as juara.Sekolah Indonesia Singapore won the
Medal ON ALL Rankings, either elementary, junior high or high school. Even Wins
First Rate SD.Setelah Winners, Mr. Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. Simon
Medals handed Dan Charter shown awards to the winners. Events Closed Joint WITH