Students MAN 2 Probolinggo Robotics Event Champion in Malaysia and Singapore

Singapore and Malaysia (Pinmas) --- 

Gazette of student achievement back to color the world of madrasa education in early 2017. Students MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo, East Java, managed to become champion at the event in robotics, even in two different states at the same time, Malaysia and Singapore.

They are Muhammad Kealvin Al Akbari (class XI), Muhammad Amin Rois (class XI), and Rifqy Taufiq Aprilianto (class X). Students MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo successfully achieved the Intelligent Robot Contest (RIC) in Singapore and the International Robotic Training and Competition (IRTC) in Malaysia. The second event was held at different locations about the same time, in January 2017.

Intelligent Robot Contest (RIC) was held on January 18, 2017, at the Science Center Singapore, Singapore. Students MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo occupies the 4th position of all the winners at the event tersebut.Kepala MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo Mohammad Alfan Makmur revealed, the RIC in Singapore, the team MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo design, assemble and program a robot that can sort items by color and put the item at the specified place.

"The robot is equipped with a camera assembled pixy to sort items and line sensors. Assessment is based on the speed of work, the number of items collected, and the penalty is carried out," he said via instant message, Friday (20/01).

While the event the International Robotic Training and Competition (IRTC) was held in Johor Baharu, Malaysia on 18 to 19 January 2017. The same team of MAN 2 Kota Problinggo back pan achievement. They won the second place category Micro Line Tracer Robot. In this competition, they are asked to assemble and program a robot from scratch.

"For this IRTC event, the judgment is based on the logic aspects of logarithms, travel time robot to the finish, and also asepk retry and penalties. So the robot is quick to finish and get the point that many are winning," said M. Alfan Makmur.

As champions, they get a trophy, medals and certificates. Moreover, further Alfan Makmur, the experience to compete with other countries in Asia as well be its own reward for them. Moreover, the team's trip to Malaysia and Singapore are also not free of problems, primarily a matter of funding. It takes sacrifice for achievement, no gains without pains. (Hamam / mkd / mkd)

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